Three meter long Python entering local food shop at the Bypass Ngurah Rai in Denpasar
More snakes starts to appear in the city of Denpasar lately. Last Monday night (11/26/2018) night, a 3 meter long python was found entering the shop.
Based on information from the BPBD service of Denpasar City , the discovery of this snake occurred at 21:40 H at the Indra Jaya store, street ByPass Ngurah Rai number 71 to be exact north of the South Denpasar Police Station .
Earlier on Wednesday night (11/26/2018) there was also the discovery of snake entering a local house habitation in the same the Denpasar area precisely on Jalan Tukad Petanu Gang Elang Laut, Number 2, Denpasar .
The Denpasar BPBD Team main post moved to the location to remove the snake.
It is known that the snake is a cobra with a length of approximately 1.5 meters.
Head of Denpasar City BPBD , Ida Bagus Joni Ariwibawa appealed to the community to clean the environment around the house to avoid similar incidents.
Byy cleaning the surrounding environment from bushes that can attract snakes.
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