Man killed by his own keris during Ritual Tradition in temple at Buleleng , Singaraja
Ngigel Village ritual tradition was hold by Pakraman Naga Sepaha Village, Buleleng Subdistrict on Anggara Pon Klawu, Tuesday (25/9/2018). The Ngigel Village tradition which was followed by the entire lanang krama was hold at Madya Mandala Pura in Pakraman Naga Sepaha Village, as a symbol of the legalization of the lanang manners who had entered the grahasta period to become village manners. Tragically, the Ngigel Desa ritual was desturbed by a death in which a man was killed by a dagger when he was in a state of turmoil.
The victim was stabbed by a keris in the Temple of Pakraman Naga Sepaha Village, When the accident occurred, the victim was following the Ngigel Desa ceremony procession which began at 11.00 AM. After the Mendak Ida Batara ceremony at the Catus Pata Desa (village event), the ritual continues to the Pura Desa Pakraman Naga Sepaha. At around 1:15 PM, one by one the people experienced suffering. Some eat chicken caru alive, some dance to ngurek (thrust the keris into the chest).
Ketut Sudira's was suffering after ngigel , then took a keris belonging to a pecalang and stuck it on his right chest. The victim went to the Nista Mandala Pura in the village of Pakraman Naga Sepaha and immediately fell down with blood. The victim was then taken to Buleleng Hospital to get medical treatment. Unfortunately, when he arrived at the hospital, the victim was declared dead.
The victim was stabbed by a keris in the Temple of Pakraman Naga Sepaha Village, When the accident occurred, the victim was following the Ngigel Desa ceremony procession which began at 11.00 AM. After the Mendak Ida Batara ceremony at the Catus Pata Desa (village event), the ritual continues to the Pura Desa Pakraman Naga Sepaha. At around 1:15 PM, one by one the people experienced suffering. Some eat chicken caru alive, some dance to ngurek (thrust the keris into the chest).
Ketut Sudira's was suffering after ngigel , then took a keris belonging to a pecalang and stuck it on his right chest. The victim went to the Nista Mandala Pura in the village of Pakraman Naga Sepaha and immediately fell down with blood. The victim was then taken to Buleleng Hospital to get medical treatment. Unfortunately, when he arrived at the hospital, the victim was declared dead.

"The incident happened during the piodalan ceremony at Pura Desa Naga Sepaha. We can't secure the keris, because there is still a process of piodalan. Natural victims of natural disasters are in a state of turbulence, "said Singaraja City Police Chief, Commissioner AA Wiranata Kusuma.
Meanwhile, the Ngigel Village ritual ceremony who is taken place every two years when pamuput was a piodalan work in the Pura Desa Pakraman Naga Sepaha, the peak of which was at Purnamaning Kapat. Those who giggled are all lanang manners, with make up and distinctive clothing resembling patih clothing in the gong drama arts. Whereas the cloth used was songket or ancient woven fabric.
Kelian of Pakraman Naga Sepaha Village, I Gusti Ngurah Nyoman Sutena, said the Ngigel Desa ritual is a tradition that was obliged to be followed by all married lanang krama (having traditional customs). They are given the freedom to Ngigel Desa, whenever they are ready. However, if there is a lanang man who is embarrassed because he cannot dance at all, the village of Prakraman gives a policy that they may not ngigel ngigel, but must pay a fine of Rp. 30,000.
According to IGN Nyman Sutena, for one time performing the Ngigel Desa ritual tradition, it is usually followed by half of the people of Pakraman Naga Sepaha Village Negak totaling 96 people. "Ngigel Tradition This village inherited from a long time ago. For those who are already married, they are not considered legitimate as village manners, before carrying out the Ngigel Desa tradition, ”explained Sutena in the Pakraman Naga Sepaha Village Temple on Tuesday. "So, the Ngigel Village tradition has become a symbol of endorsement to become village manners, as well as an expression of gratitude and joy over the grace that God has bestowed so far," continued Sutena.
Sutena said, in the implementation, the Ngigel Desa tradition began with the Mendak Ida Batara procession at the Catus Pata Desa. After that, the courtesy of Ngigel Village went up to Bale Agung to attend the Mamangkon ceremony.
Sutena said, lanang's new manners will be masolah (performance skill ngigel) when Ida Batara had gone down, marked by mass (possessions) a number of men in attendance. Before ngigel in the Main Mandala Pura of Pakraman Naga Sepaha Village, all lanang manners were also required to ask for blessings and perform prayers at the Main Mandala, fostered by Jro Mangku Kahyangan Tiga.
After that the prayers, one by one the lanang manners came out of the main Mandala Temple and began to dance accompanied by a gang of gongs, with the typical gongs of Ngigel Desa. Dozens of lanang manners will dance in turn in front of the whole. A lanang man will dance until the drum that the seka gong brings when the kempul sounds three times.
Krama the Ngigel Village is given freedom in dance moves. Because, there is no definite dance standard in this Ngigel Village, except for the typical club. Every single person is allowed to improvise as much as possible. They may also wear glasses when they bite. "When the kempul sounds three times, it indicates the change of the dancer," said Sutena.
Krama lanang which has finished ngigel then kicking damar made of coconut filled with cotton and oil then ignited by fire, as a sign that it has completed the requirements to be recognized as village manners. "When Ngigel Desa, I want to dance based on a happy heart. The movement has no grip, so for those who like to be funny, there are movements or costumes that are a little bit funny. In essence, all manners can laugh when the cover is closed at the Pura Desa Pakraman Naga Sepaha, "Sutena said.
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