Bali Tours & Adventures

Dewi Ketut

Bali Airport new normal preparations

Bali Airport new normal preparations

Denpasar Airport new normal preparations to enter the new era with flights to and from Bali's I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport as per Ministerial Decree No. 25 of 2020 on Transportation Control.  Bali had been making preparations to enter the new normal era by following the provisions and health protocols being enacted," Director General of Civil Aviation from the Ministry of Transportation, Novie Riyanto, noted in a statement received in Jakarta, Saturday. May 30 th 2020.During the new normal era, passengers looking to enter Bali through the I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport should hold a document that shows negative results for COVID-19 from a swab test based on the Polymerase Chain Reaction 

Bali Airport new normal preparations arrival hal Bali Airport new normal preparations, pic anatara news[/caption]

During the new normal period in Bali, every aircraft passenger must fulfil the requirements submitted by the Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling, as stipulated in Circular Letter Number 5 of 2020 on the Amendment to Circular Letter Number 4 of 2020 on the Criteria for Restricting Travel for Accelerating the Handling of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) or hereinafter referred to as SE Number 5 of 2020. Before conducting inspections at the airport, the director general held a meeting with Bali Governor I Wayan Koster in Denpasar.

Bali Airport new normal preparations checck

airport staff disinfection of transit zone[/caption]

During the meeting, the Ministry of Transportation expressed support to fulfil the aspirations of the Bali provincial government in a bid to boost the island’s tourism and economic potential by continuing to prioritize health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in all transportation services on land, at sea, and in air.

Bali Airport new normal preparations

Bali Airport entrance hall[/caption]

Monitoring in ongoing at several entry points to Bali, including airports. The island is only accepting passengers to travel by land, sea, and air transportation that had tested negative for PCR based on swab testing issued by Government Laboratories or Hospitals referred to by the COVID-19 Task Force.We are upbeat about Ministerial Decree Number 25 of 2020 being implemented, and we urge passengers to comply with all requirements stipulated in the Task Force's Circular Letter to ensure safe, secure, and comfortable land, sea, and air transportation,"

Denpasar Airport new normal

Bali Airport new normal preparations

Bali Airport new normal preparations

Denpasar Airport new normal preparations to enter the new era with flights to and from Bali’s I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport as per Ministerial Decree No. 25 of 2020 on Transportation Control.  Bali had been making preparations to enter the new normal era by following the provisions and health protocols being enacted,” Director General of Civil Aviation from the Ministry of Transportation, Novie Riyanto, noted in a statement received in Jakarta, Saturday. May 30 th 2020.During the new normal era, passengers looking to enter Bali through the I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport should hold a document that shows negative results for COVID-19 from a swab test based on the Polymerase Chain Reaction

Bali Airport new normal preparations arrival halh

Bali Airport new normal preparations, pic anatara news

During the new normal period in Bali, every aircraft passenger must fulfil the requirements submitted by the Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling, as stipulated in Circular Letter Number 5 of 2020 on the Amendment to Circular Letter Number 4 of 2020 on the Criteria for Restricting Travel for Accelerating the Handling of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) or hereinafter referred to as SE Number 5 of 2020. Before conducting inspections at the airport, the director general held a meeting with Bali Governor I Wayan Koster in Denpasar.

Bali Airport new normal preparations checckh

airport staff disinfection of transit zone

During the meeting, the Ministry of Transportation expressed support to fulfil the aspirations of the Bali provincial government in a bid to boost the island’s tourism and economic potential by continuing to prioritize health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in all transportation services on land, at sea, and in air.

Bali Airport new normal preparations 

Bali Airport entrance hall

Monitoring in ongoing at several entry points to Bali, including airports. The island is only accepting passengers to travel by land, sea, and air transportation that had tested negative for PCR based on swab testing issued by Government Laboratories or Hospitals referred to by the COVID-19 Task Force.We are upbeat about Ministerial Decree Number 25 of 2020 being implemented, and we urge passengers to comply with all requirements stipulated in the Task Force’s Circular Letter to ensure safe, secure, and comfortable land, sea, and air transportation,”

Denpasar Airport new normal

6 Villa's burned down at Pecatu in early morning

6 Villa's burned down at Pecatu in early morning

Villa complex Toraja destroyed by devastating fire on the Jalan Umpang Sari 2, Labuan in Pecatu on  Saturday (30/5/2020 ) in the early morning ( video below ). Presumably the fire started from a warehouse near the villa complex where flammable materials been stored who spreaded  the flames immediately with help the strong winds to all villas of  Toraja Bambu.  12 fire brigades were deployed to extinguish the huge  during nearly 3 and also to save other surrounding buildings. The losses of the devastation fire to the 6 destroyed villas and the belongings  has been estimated at Rp. 7,5 billion. 

Villa complex Toraja destroyed

Source :

Bali zoo newborn baby giraffe named 'Corona'

Bali zoo newborn baby giraffe named  'Corona'

Bali zoo newborn baby giraffe named 'Corona' n honour of her birth during the global pandemic.

The calf was born on April 9 to mother Sophie and father Matadi, joining two other siblings at Bali Safari Park on the Indonesian holiday island.

A video released by the zoo showed the calf being born in a small enclosure.

"She was born during the Covid-19 pandemic so the environment minister... named her Corona," said zoo spokesman Anak Agung Ngurah Alit Sujana.

"Corona is healthy and is still breastfeeding. We'll keep her under observation for three months."

Bali Safari Park has been closed to visitors since late March as part of efforts to stem the spread of coronavirus infections. -- AFP


VIDEO Bali zoo newborn baby giraffe named 'Corona'

Source :

Pererenan villa party stopped by local authorities

Pererenan villa party stopped by local authorities

Canggu villa party stopped by local authorities after they received complaint from surrounding habitants in Pererenan, Canggu on  Tuesday 26/05/2020 ]  around 22:30 H. A young group of 15 foreigners  mostly Australians disturbed a few habitants  at the  Tiying Tutul area in  Pererenan  according police officer  Suryanegara  who was informed by the local authorities . The Bali police visit the spot to  break up the party and to remind them  that any gatherings are not allowed during the pandemic restrictions. 

 Suryanegara also stated that the unknown individual  especially  rented the villa to organise a private party and he has not  been charged but will be taken to the police station if it repeated. 

The villa owner was also informed of the incident and asked all participant's  to leave  the stop immediately.  

Canggu villa party terminated by local authorities

Source :

Australian robbed at sea by Pirates near Bali

Australian robbed at sea by Pirates near Bali

Aussie robbed at sea by Pirates near Bali and drifting 3 days sea at Tanjung Menjangan  after the horrifying incident on May 22 before he was rescued . The Australian man Tadeusz Nowicki, 70,has been rescued after being robbed by pirates on speed boats off the coast of Bali.He was alone of his yacht, named Hoopla, when up to ten pirates armed with guns swarmed him. They stole his GPS, boat steering wheel, communication radios, iPhone, passport, fuel, cash and food


He had managed to send off an Emergency Position Indicating Reported Beacon during the ordeal which notified the International Maritime Organisation.The information was then sent to the Australian embassy in Jakarta which launched the urgent rescue operation. After a three-day search, Mr Nowicki was found drifting off the coast on Kuala Telada.Lampung police spokesman Zahwani Pandra Arsyad said Mr Nowicki plans to return to Australia as soon as he can.

Aussie robbed at sea by Pirates near Bali

Source :

Denpasar Airport swab test required from 28 May

Denpasar Airport swab test required from 28 May

Bali Airport swab test required from 28 May for all domestic and international visitors who plan to visit the island must first undergo a Covid-19 swab test and fill up all the information needed on Bali’s official administration website. Even though the immigration has not lifted the temporary travel restriction, there are several people who still able to enter Bali from other countries as they hold KITAS, KITAP, Diplomatic Visas or qualified to do some essential works in Indonesia. “We urge everyone and all airlines to ensure this has been done before flying to Bali; all passengers must already have PCR test results declaring they are negative for COVID-19. The document should be checked at the airport before departure,” said Elfi Amir the Bali Airport Authority.


This new protocol which will be running starts on Thursday, 28 May 2020 is a result of the submitted letter by The Governor of Bali, I Wayan Koster to the minister of transportation on Monday, 18 May. The governor demands the swab test (PCR) results to be a compulsory requirement to enter Bali through the airport. This request has been responded quickly by the minister of transportation, which followed by a virtual meeting attended by the Bali provincial Covid-19 task force, Ngurah Rai airport authorities and some airlines representatives.

The visitors also need to register themselves online at, which will generate a QR code that needs to be shown when buying the ticket as a proof that the passengers are healthy.

Here are details of the procedures you must follow before entering Bali:
The visitor must have a negative result on Swab test - PCR (rapid test result will not be accepted). The test result must be valid for at least seven days within your arrival day at Bali’s airport.
Complete “Data Collection of Travel Participants” on
Buy your ticket
The management of Ngurah Rai airport shall firmly check your documents upon arrival
The visitors are required to conduct self-quarantined and obliged to be tested again
Head of Customary Village will continuously verifying the existence of the visitor
The policy was made to limit people from travelling. Thus, for those who have no critical and urgent interest, are suggested to delay their trip. It is considered necessary as the central government’s plan to make Bali, Yogyakarta and Riau islands to be the first regions to be re-opened again with a “new normal” concept. “However, it is not a simple thing. It will be a long road as [the outbreak] is not over yet. Bali wants to control who enters Bali tightly, both Indonesians and foreigners, because all people are possible COVID-19 carriers,” said Dewa Made Indra, Bali COVID-19 Task Force executive chairman.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing

In the previous policy, Bali had chosen rapid test as the method to check visitor in all entry points, but it will soon be changed with a swab test. What is the difference between these two tests, and how do these tests work?

1. Swab test - PCR (Polymerise Chain Reaction) or nasal swab
It is the current most majority test-kit used to check Covid-19 in the world. During the test, a sample of secretions from the back of your nose and upper throat are collected using a long soft-tipped swab. The sample will be checked in a laboratory to find out whether the presence of Covid-19 virus can be detected or not. Swab test - PCR can take up to several days to process; however, there are new types of PCR that can show results within less than an hour. It is claimed to be 80-85% accurate on detecting the virus.

2. Rapid test, serologic testing or antibody blood test
Unlike PCR or swab test, which use swabs to detect Covid-19, on rapid test blood sample is taken for antibody tests. The rapid test-kit will check if individuals have immunity to the COVID-19 virus by looking for a specific antibody in the bloodstream. Antibodies are small proteins which part of our immune system. It is produced to defend our body against a particular virus, in this case, Covid-19. Rapid test only takes ten to fifteen minutes to process; however, this type of analysis is considered less accurate compared to swab test - PCR. The cross-reaction antibody reaction on the test kit can be a signal Covid-19, or other viruses have contracted an individual. With those in mind, the people who have been tested positive using a rapid test must be tested again using a swab test - PCR method.

Bali Airport swab test required from 28 May 

Source :

Bali Animal Food Bank distribution day

Bali Animal Food Bank distribution day

Bali Animal Food Bank allocation and distribution of food aid  on Sat May th 2020 from 10 AM untill 12 PM at Bali Beach Shack Jl. Legian Kaja 470 Legian, In collaboration with Mission Paws’ible Bali  and MUM Foundation are helping the selfless people who feed hundreds of dogs and cats daily. These people have not been asked to do this, they do it because they have love, compassion and empathy for Bali’s animals. Most of the animals have no home or ‘human’. Most feeders do it out of their own pocket. Many have low salary jobs or no jobs at all. The Food Appeal Fundraiser is aimed to raise the funds, purchase the food and distribute it every fortnight from a central location to the people needing help the most. Through the application process we will communicate with the ‘feeders’ and map out what areas are being fed and what areas are not. This will ensure we spread the feeding to as many areas as possible!Tourists are the lifeline for this small tropical island. Millions of people fly in every year to enjoy the climate, beaches, world class restaurants, bars and spas and keep the economy flowing, but hat has all stopped and everything is closed to the public ! No tourists = no operating restaurants = no more scrap food for that lonely stray who waits patiently every day for them to arrive. This tight network means there ARE people helping the animals but they need OUR help more than ever. To raise at least $2,500 per month to feed the stray dogs and cats via this amazing network.Please help the stray animals of Bali make it through this hideous time. Your donation not only supports the animals, but also the people during this desperate time.

50 cents = 1 meal (average 150grams)
$35 = 20kg Dry Pet Food (133 meals)
Mission Paws’ible is thrilled to be collaborating with Bali Animal Food Bank who is managing the collection and distribution of the food along with the team from Bali Pet Crusaders. Working together we will oversee all applications, requests and viability of even food distribution. Dry dog and cat food plus rice will be available fortnightly from a central location in Kuta where street feeders and poorer pet owners can access the donations. With the shared network of local animal feeders, global pet lovers and island community we believe we can help all people in need during this dire time. Not only helping on the street / beach feeders helping the homeless animals, but also lower income earners who are struggling to feed themselves let alone their pets. During this dire time we want to ensure our community can continue to care for their pets with our support and avoid any animal dumping due to sheer economical desperation. We are all navigating our way through uncharted territory. No one knows when this global crises will end and the animals are suffering due to the loss of tourists.

Donations  :

The New Normal Bali guidelines and restrictions

The New Normal Bali guidelines and restrictions

The New Normal Bali guidelines and restrictions for health protocols for the so-called "new normal" as the provincial administration prepares to reopen the tourist island for business.The deputy chairman of the Bali Hotel General Managers Association (IHGMA), Ketut Swabawa, said it was necessary to build a thorough new normal ecosystem before travel restrictions could be relaxed. Bali is ready to face the new normal, to reopen the island for tourists amid the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we should build a thorough new normal ecosystem in Bali," Ketut said.Hotels, for example, should implement strict health protocols not only within their facilities, but also in their transportation and food supplies," he added.He explained that the health protocols would increase operational expenses for the hotels, however they were necessary. If a guest contracted COVID-19 [at a hotel], it would have a negative impact on Bali tourism," he said. The deputy head of IHGMA's central executive board, I Made Ramia Adnyana, said the Bali Tourism Agency was currently preparing guidelines for the new normal.



The guidelines include protocols on arrivals at the airports, transportation for tourists, etc," Ramia said. Hotels have also prepared guidelines for operation during the new normal such as checking guest temperatures using thermo guns, providing handwashing facilities, maintaining hygiene in public facilities such as elevators and restaurants and providing payment gateways to minimize guests' contact with hotel employees," he said. All rooms, he said, should also go through an ozonating process after each use. Hotel guests were also required to wear masks. According to Ramia, Bali would open its tourist destinations gradually, starting with Nusa Dua and Ubud before reaching other areas. The Bali administration has announced that it will set up strict supervision for visitors entering Bali after the Idul Fitri holiday. In accordance with the circular issued by the Land Transportation Directorate General and the Bali governor, visitors should have clear reasons [to visit] Bali. They should also have hospital letters declaring them free from COVID-19," Bali administration secretary Dewa Made Indra

The New Normal Bali guidelines and restrictions 



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