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Two foreigners killed themselves in Bali

Two foreigners killed themselves in Bali

Japanese guide commit suicide  by hanging himself in the Diva Lestari Guest House in Denpasar on Monday afternoon 05/04/2021. The Japanese citizen Nobuaki Takahashi (53) was allegedly depressed  and out of work caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. He was found dead in front his bathroom  by Lin Wayan Diana, in the Diva Lestari Guest House in Denpasar where he lived since November 27, 2019

Teguh Budi Santoso recently visit the victim and to check his condition. He asked whether he had eaten or not and the victim said that he could not think and did not want to eat. Teguh provided some milk, bread and fruit and returned to check if he eaten the food but dint get answer when he called the victim.Teguh opened the door and saw the victim hanging inside his room. Japanese guide commit suicide in Bali

Nobuaki Takahashi ended  his life by hanging himself, allegedly suffering from headache caused by  depression witch have not been cured. On Monday night  05/04/2021 at 7:00 p.m.  the victim's body was transported to Sanglah denpasar hospital .

South African found dead in Canggu

Hutton Gavil Walter (31), a man from South Africa hanged himself  at the Canggu on Wednesday (07/44/2021). His body was first discovered by a friend of the victim who lived in the room next door according Police Chief, Commissioner Marzel Doni. He explained that initially the victim's friend who was also a resident of South Africa intended to say goodbye to the beach for a photo shoot. But when he knocked on the victim's room door, there was no answer. His friend then opened the door to the room and was surprised to find the victim was standing stiffly with his neck entangled in a scarf.  The police and BPBD officers who arrived at the location and carried out the examination stated that the victim was not alive. The victim's body was then evacuated to Sanglah Hospital in Denpasar.There were no signs of violence on the victim's body but find  found various types of drugs accofing Doni. Temporary allegations that the victim was depressed so he committed suicide he said.

Japanese guide commit suicide

Bali travel corridor will be opening soon

Bali travel corridor will be opening soon

Bali travel bubble opening now for tourist from China , united emirates, Singapore and South Korea . The Ministry of Tourism together with the Regency and City Tourism Offices in Bali and tourism actors have equalized the perception ahead of the opening of Bali tourism. The Deputy for Strategic Policy at the Ministry of Tourism  Kurleni Umar made the announcement  on Wednesday 07/04/2021.

The opening of Bali tourism would be carried out in different stages with Nusa Dua, Sanur, and Ubud . According to Umar the  tourism will be opened if the risk of transmitting COVID-19 is low. This can be realized by vaccination to achieve herd immunity, especially in priority zones as well as industry readiness to guarantee excellent service and consistency in the implementation of prokes or with CSHE certification. Several parameters must be met, such as a decrease in the rate of new cases and a decrease in the population contracting COVID-19. The readiness of an adequate health and safety system is also a parameter for the opening of Bali. He also asked for a safe transportation system. I want someone to be responsible for transportation, which means ensuring an integrated transportation system with a safe zone. The point here is to ensure tourists visit the green zone", The Head of the Bali Tourism Office Putu Astawa also emphasized that travel agencies should invite tourists to visit the green zone.

Bali travel bubble opening now

Travel agencies must ensure tourists visit the green zone. Travel agencies must also arrange tour packages according to the governor's direction", said Astawa. Of course, with the integration of various elements of tourists who come healthy as well as when they return home healthy. Astawa said the travel bubble that would be opened later was tourists from China, UAE, Singapore, and Korea. He hopes that the governance of tourism development must be carried out in a patterned, comprehensive, planned, directed, and integrated manner in one area to realize a better life for the Balinese people. He made Ubud a pilot project for the opening of tourism considering the history of Bali tourism which started from Ubud, and expanded to Sanur and Nusa Dua", he said.

The Deputy Regent of Gianyar Anak Agung Gde Mayun explained that the vaccination system in Gianyar, which is used as a pilot for Bali vaccination, revealed that vaccination in Gianyar is Banjar-based (local authorities ). . Many programs have been successfully carried out based on Banjar (local authorities ). Besides, by utilizing the ability of Banjar to collect data on the community itself or the workers in the Banjar area, at the same time mobilizing to come to implement vaccines", said Agung.

Bali travel bubble opening now

Indonesian President want to open Bali for tourism from July 2021

Indonesian President want to open Bali for tourism from July 2021

Jokowi Promised reopening Bali in June or July 2021

Jokowi Promised reopening Bali in June or July 2021 if the current COVID-19 situation is improvingThe Indonesian President made the announcement   during his  discussion with Bali tourist players the Harris hotel on the Sunset Road  in Denpasar on Tuesday afternoon 16/03/2021 . During the discussion, the President gave a signal to reopen Bali around June or July 2021 if the Covid-19  case was under control , including the improvement of testing and the mass vaccination program.
Jokowi Promised reopening Bali in June or July 2021

To remain careful will July 2021 the best time  to reopen the green zones one by one zone if all  concerned party's will agree on it he says .He has already the support of  the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno also present during the meeting at the Harris Hotel.

on Monday 15/03/2021 Uno Sandiaga said that the decision to reopen tourism for foreign tourists was in the hands of President Jokowi and that the government is still finalizing its mechanisms at the ministerial and institutional level. China, the Netherlands, Dubai and Singapore will be the first country's to able to to travel to Bali.

President Jokowi assisted the mass implementation of Covid-19 vaccination during his visit  in Bali. The mass vaccination activities during the visit were centered in Puri Saren Agung, Ubud District, Gianyar Regency. In Gianyar, the mass vaccination activity which is part of the government's free vaccination program today was attended by approximately 680 people whose distribution was carried out in stages while still implementing strict health protocols. This vaccination is primarily aimed at public workers, especially tourism industry players, religious leaders, cultural representatives, youth representatives, and local communities. Not only Gianyar Regency, this mass vaccination was also carried out simultaneously in 7 districts and 1 other city, namely Badung, Bangli, Buleleng, Jembrana, Karangasem, Klungkung, Tabanan, and Denpasar City Regencies.The three are Ubud in Gianyar Regency, Sanur in Denpasar City, and ITDC Nusa Dua in Badung Regency. The zoning is intended to form a zone with a healthy lifestyle and strictly implement standard health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic with a comprehensive vaccination policy for people who live and have activities in the area. This is at the same time a precondition for the stages that will be taken to reopen the tourism sector when the pandemic situation is under control.


Significant new visa regulations in Indonesia

Significant new visa regulations in Indonesia

New upcoming visa regulations

New upcoming visa regulations relating to the presence of foreigners in Indonesia under the current laws and regulations remain in force  introduces some significant changes which are highlight below .The Indonesian Government’s wants to become more investment friendly through the enactment of Law No. 11 of 2020 regarding Job Creation, a new Government Regulation was issued and came into force on February 2, 2021. The new regulation is GR No. 48 of 2021 regarding the Third Amendment to GR No. 31 of 2013 regarding the Implementing Regulation of Law No. 6 of 2011

New upcoming visa regulations

Change in Validity of Limited Stay Permit

One of the biggest changes introduced by GR 48/2021 is the legally permissible length of a foreigner’s Limited Stay Permit . Previously, an ITAS was granted for a maximum period of two years and could be extended for maximum two-year periods up to an aggregate stay of six years in Indonesia, after which the foreigner was required to process a new ITAS. GR 48/2021 now provides that an ITAS is valid for a maximum of five years and can be extended under the condition that the aggregate stay of the foreigner in Indonesia does not exceed ten years. GR 48/2021 also further clarifies that an ITAS for work purposes that is valid for no more than 90 days can be extended under the condition that the aggregate stay of the foreigner in Indonesia does not exceed 180 days.

New upcoming visa regulationsChange in Validity Period of Visit Stay Permits

Simplification is a big theme of GR 48/2021, with the regulation revising provisions of older regulations to make them more straightforward and easier to comprehend. For example, in the case of a Visit Stay Permit issued based on entry to Indonesia under a Single-Entry Visit Visa, GR 48/2021 now provides that such Visit Stay Permit is valid for a maximum period of 180 days and is non-extendable. The validity period used to be 60 days and it was extendable inland four times up to an aggregate stay of six months. Meanwhile, Visit Stay Permits issued based on entry under a Multiple-Entry Visit Visa are granted for a maximum period of 180 days and are extendable up to an aggregate stay of no more than twelve months in Indonesia. Another big change is the validity period of Stay Permits issued based on entry under a Visit Visa on Arrival, which used to be thirty days and extendable for another thirty days. Under GR 48/2021, the maximum validity period of this Stay Permit is no more than thirty days and it is no longer possible to be extended.

upcoming visa regulations IndonesiaIntroduction of ‘Second Home’ Category

GR 48/2021 introduces a new category to Indonesian immigration rules, whereby foreigners can now obtain a Limited Stay Visa for non-work purposes for the purpose of having Indonesia as a “second home”. Foreigners must have settled in Indonesia for five to ten years and fulfil certain requirements to qualify for this new visa category. This “second home” category replaces elderly tourists, who were eligible for a non-work VITAS in previous regulations. GR 48/2021 does provide that non-work VITAS already issued for elderly tourists shall remain applicable as a non-work VITAS for foreigners in the “second home” category.

New upcoming visa regulations B211A visaAdditional Requirements to Obtain a VITAS

GR 48/2021 adds two requirements for a VITAS application, namely: A statement letter of good standing from the relevant authorities or the embassy/consulate of the foreigner’s country of origin; and A health examination letter stating that the foreigner is free from any contagious disease that could endanger public health. Pre-investment and Requirements for Obtaining a Visit Visa. GR 48/2021 adds a new eligibility category for both Single and Multiple-Entry Visit Visas, i.e. pre-investment activities. These are activities in conjunction with starting a business, such as activities related to field surveys and/or feasibility studies. In relation to the required guarantee letter from a guarantor for a Visit Visa application, if a foreigner does not have a guarantor then the guarantee letter can be replaced with a proof of payment of an Immigration Guarantee, as discussed below.

New upcoming visa regulationImmigration Guarantee

GR 48/2021 requires certain foreigners in Indonesia to have a guarantor responsible for the presence and activities of said foreigners during their stay in Indonesia, and for reporting any change in the civil status, immigration status and/or address of such foreigners. This guarantor requirement does not apply to foreigners legally married to Indonesians, foreign investors, or citizens of countries that reciprocally waive guarantee requirements. Foreign investors, “second home” foreigners, and foreigners engaged in pre-investment activities may make an official payment to a Directorate General of Immigration bank account that will be treated as an immigration guarantee payment that replaces the guarantor requirement. This payment will be used, if necessary, to cover the cost of repatriation or deportation, overstay, and/or any other outstanding immigration costs that must be paid by the relevant foreigner. If the immigration guarantee is not used to pay immigration obligations, the full amount of the payment shall be returned to the foreigners once their Stay Permit expires.

New upcoming visa regulations Denpasar officeConversion of Stay Permits

Another significant change introduced by GR 48/2021 is the possibility for foreigners themselves to apply to the relevant Head of Immigration Office or appointed Immigration Official for the conversion of a Visit Stay Permit to an ITAS, or an ITAS to a Permanent Stay Permit (ITAP). Previously, only guarantors could submit these applications. In the meantime, PT Legal Jasa Eka visa and company service will help you for your document needs

New upcoming visa regulations

Source :

Seminyak restaurant completely destroyed on day of grand opening

Seminyak restaurant completely destroyed on day of grand opening

New Seminyak venue burned down

New Seminyak venue burned down allegedly caused by the fire dancer performance during the grand opening event on Wednesday night 17/03/2021 at 7 PM. D'Vesta, the new bistro  located on Jalan Raya Seminyak owned by the Indonesian DJ and celebrity   Gebby Vesta had a bad start on their opening .

New Seminyak venue burned down

The incident started at 7 PM when the Fire Dancers get sprinkled by fire and spread to the stage,. The flames could not be controlled  and created panic, most visitors  save themselves and also the guest inside  the restaurant could be successfully evacuated . The Fire Department was informed and send 8 fire engines wo arrived only seven minutes later After two hours the fire was under control without any casualties ,but the estimated damage is  Rp. 1 billion


Foreigners in Bali from all nationalities in Bali can get vaccinated

Foreigners in Bali from all nationalities  in Bali can get vaccinated

Foreigners in Bali vaccinated at the Surya Husadha hospital in Nusa Dua on Wednesday 17/03/2021 after receiving a WhatsApp message. Four foreigners ( all  above the age of 60 ) living in the Putra Bali Hill resort in Nusa Dua received earlier in March a WhatsApp message sent by Banjar Bualu Kecamatan Benoa ( local authorities ). The WhatsApp message invited them to get at the vaccination center of the Surya Husadha hospital in Nusa Dua. Some time ago, all the residents of Banjar Bualu Kecamatan Benoa were informed through WA to register for vaccination. The application was duly registered and confirmed by the Banjar his administration.

The conditions to get vaccinated for all foreign nationals are the same as for the local population. To have a valid Indonesian Identity card ( KTP ) registration on the local registration ( KK ) and being above the age of 60. Residents of the Banjar Bualu in Nusa Dua between the ages of 18 and 59 registered by the Banjar will also receive an invitation later during 2021. These requested documents have been previously obtained  by the foreigners from PT Jasa Eka Legal in Putra Bali Hill at Nusa Dua.

Foreigners in Bali vaccinated for free

The foreigners presented themselves on Wednesday 17/03/2021 at 10.30 AM after receiving an invitation hours earlier in the morning at the Surya Husadha hospital . Apart from the 4 foreigners, 20 other local residents being present to get vaccinated. Everything turned out to be perfect organized by the Banjar administrative staff being present and well prepared on the site to verify the registration.


Each candidate was consulted by the medical staff to check their medical history before the vaccination started. Moments later each person was injected with the Sinovac vaccine in a professional way in a separated room. The vaccination people have been asked person to wait on the spot for another 30 minutes,

To observe if any person showed any side effect of allergic reactions due the vaccination. Upon departure, a hard copy of proof of the vaccination was distributed mentioning the date invitation for the second shot 29 days later on April 15th 2021.The entire vaccination process from registration on arrival until receiving the certificate took all together only 90 minutes.

There was also an immediate notification SMS including a soft copy proof of the first vaccination. The day after the vaccination, the four vaccinated foreigners confirmed not having any side effect of any or symptoms. They are all very satisfied about the vaccination process that went in a complete safe way.  They will continue to adhere to the imposed corona measures by the local government. They only can highly recommend all other foreigners to get vaccinated. For those people who does not want to get  vaccinated for personal raisons.

The European Commission is preparing the so-called green card that will indicate by QR code whether people have been vaccinated or have undergone a recent PCR test, Europe or flight carriers could refuse passengers to travel to destinations without presenting vaccinated certificates . Not yet spoken about restrictions to enter restaurants or events.

Foreigners in Bali vaccinated

Five capsule hotels in Bali for less then 7 US$ a night

Five capsule hotels in Bali for less then 7 US$ a night

 Bali capsule hotels starting from 7 US$


5 Bali capsule hotels starting from only 7 US$ ( 100.000 Rp ) a night for budget travelers visiting the Island of the Gods. The first capsule hotel in Bali that is pocket-friendly is the Bali Bee House. The hotel is located on Jalan Raya Kesambi Kerobokan Gang Permatasari Number 11, North Kuta.

Bali Bee House. Jalan Raya Kesambi Kerobokan Gang Permatasari Number 11, North Kuta
This capsule hotel is a little different from other capsule hotels witch offering offer futuristic interior designs, but here you will be invited to stay like in a rattan frame. These rattans are a barrier between one capsule and another. The shape of the room is also unique, which resembles a bird cage with a rectangular shape.
Another cheap capsule hotel in Bali is the QB Sleep Capsule Hotel, this hotel is perfect for those of you who want to explore the Kuta area, such as Kuta Beach and other destinations.
5 Bali capsule hotels

127.000 people already vaccinated in Bali

127.000 people already vaccinated in Bali

127.000 people already vaccinated in Bali


127.000 people already vaccinated  on Saturday 20/03/2021 from the total population of  4.32 million people living in Bali. This is still low for the total population of Bali of 4.32 million people according Cok Ace, the Deputy Governor of Bali.This was stated by Cok Ace when monitoring the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination for financial and banking industry workers at the Bank Indonesia building, Bali Province. He said the rate of COVID-19 vaccination in Bali adjusted the vaccine supply from the central government. Our people are enthusiastic and vaccination officers are also sufficient, but we must speed up the vaccination program and waiting for the arrival of vaccine supplies from the center," he added.

 He hopes that the vaccinations that each individual has received will increase the body's immunity against exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19. The success of the vaccination program is also expected to accelerate economic recovery in the Island of the Gods. Cok Ace said that the vaccination for financial and banking industry workers this time includes the second dose of vaccine for 300 participants and the first dose of vaccine for 500 participants. He welcomed the enthusiasm of the financial industry workers and banking officials in supporting the successful implementation of the vaccination program in Bali. He hopes that this enthusiasm will give positive results for efforts to deal with covid-19  in Bali.

The enthusiasm shown by the financial industry workers, banking ranks, and the Balinese people is extraordinary says Cok Ace, who is also the Chairman of the Regional Leadership Body for the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association Bali. The Bali  Government continues to seek additional vaccines from the center. The effort was made so that the vaccination target of the Balinese population to achieve group immunity can be achieved as soon as possible.

The Head of Bank Indonesia Representative Office for Bali  Trisno Nugroho, said that this activity was very important for Bali's economic recovery. Bank Indonesia and the entire financial industry strongly support this vaccination program as an effort to realize the herd immunity of COVID-19.


3  Green Areas Will Use AstraZeneca 

Batam and Riau Islands are opening before Bali on end of April 2021

Batam and Riau Islands are opening before Bali on end of April 2021

Batam opens before Bali on April 2021 together with Bintan and Riau Islands. These regions are well prepared to open doors for international tourists says Minister of tourism, Sandiaga Uno on Saturday March 20 th 2021. The tourist destination that will be opened in Batam is Nongsa, and Lagoi in Bintan. These two destinations are scheduled to open on April 21, while Bali in June or July. Based on president's order, the reopening of destinations for foreign tourists can be done gradually, with the requirement that the number of Covid-19 infection is under control. The number of coronavirus infection on Riau Islands has been reportedly low and stable; even the number of the virus transmission in Nongsa and Lagoi is reported to be zero.

Batam opens before Bali on April 21 2021
Meritus Hotels & Resorts

Today, Sandiaga led a coordination meeting regarding the plan of opening the safety travel corridor in Nongsa and Lagoi. During the meeting, he iterated that the main thing that needs to be set is the knowledge of conducting strict and discipline health measures by wearing masks, social distancing, and washing hands, as well as testing, tracing, and treatment; and finally vaccination.

Batam opens before Bali on April 21 2021

Overstayed tourist from Nigeria deported

Overstayed tourist from Nigeria deported

Overstayed tourist from Nigeria deported by Bali immigration on Saturday 20/01/2021 who arrived in Indonesia on September 22/09/2018. The Nigerian national Ikechukwu Christiantus Nwokenta was deported for from Bali for immigration violations violating Article 78 paragraph (3) of Law No. 6 of 2011 on Immigration says Jamaruli Manihuruk. The Head of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights for Bali in Denpasar, Bali, on Sunday, March 21. 2021 He said that foreign tourists had come to Indonesia since September 22 2018 and have been in Bali until now. After obtaining a report that his residence permit expired the specified time limit, the officer in question was arrested by the immigration Officers and handed over to the Denpasar Immigration Detention Center on 08/01/2021. Ikechukwu Christiantus Nwokenta was deported on Saturday from Denpasar Airport to Jakarta Airport to fly to Lagos in his home country Nigeria.

overstayed tourist from Nigeria deported

Russian deportation on Friday 19/03/2021

On Friday (19/03/2021) the foreign national from Russia named Ekaterina Trubkina was also deported, after being involved in the case of the escape of a Russian Interpol fugitive.

overstayed tourist from Nigeria deported
The deportation process of the Russian foreigner Ekaterina Trubkina (Doc. Kemenkumham Bali)

Ekaterina Trubkina was deported after being involved in the escape of the Russian Interpol fugitive Andrew Ayer while undergoing an examination at the Ngurah Rai Immigration Office on Thursday (11/02/2021) at 13:20 H.

overstayed tourist from Nigeria

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